Ski-Seminar Kleinwalsertal (Januar 2000)

Starting during the years at the University of Zürich, the group has established a tradition of annual ski seminars which have been held at the following locations:

2000 Kleinwalsertal  1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6  

New scientific heights were reached.

V.l.n.r.  Rouslan Kevorkiants, Natalie Reuter,  Vidar Jensen, Walter Thiel und Rainer Steiger.

The group follows the boss---regardless of where he's heading...

V.r.n.l. Natalie Reuter, Walter Thiel und Rainer Steiger.

...even if he's heading for stormy weather. The picture also shows that
theoriticians can stand even the terrible snowstorms of the alps. (They
had some really powerful snow-canons down in Kleinwalsertal)

V.l.n.r. Natalie Reuter, Walter Thiel,  Rainer Steiger und  Rouslan Kevorkiants.

The future's so bright, I got to wear shades.

Natalie Reuter.

Here we're on our way to burn the local heretics who don't believe in Schrödinger.

V.r.n.l. Rainer Steiger, Natalie Reuter und Vidar Jensen.

And here we're admiring the resulting fire.

Hinten v.l.n.r. Natalie Reuter, Axel Koslowski, Rainer  Steiger, Walter Thiel,
 Michael Bühl, Vidar Jensen, Klaus  Angermund.
 Vorne v.l.n.r.  M. N. Jagadeesh und Rouslan Kevorkiants.

     Letztes Update: 22.01.02